

[root@localhost ~]# man docker

DOCKER(1)                                               APRIL 2014                                              DOCKER(1)

       docker - Docker image and container command line interface

       docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]

       docker daemon [--help|...]

       docker [--help|-v|--version]

       is a client for interacting with the daemon (see dockerd(8)) through the CLI.

       The  Docker  CLI  has  over 30 commands. The commands are listed below and each has its own man page which explain
       usage and arguments.

       To see the man page for a command run man docker <command>.

         Print usage statement

         Specifies the location of the Docker client configuration files. The default is ' /.docker'.

       -D, --debug=true|false
         Enable debug mode. Default is false.

       -H, --host=[unix:///var/run/docker.sock]: tcp://[host]:[port][path] to bind or unix://[/path/to/socket] to use.
         The socket(s) to bind to in daemon mode specified using one or more
         tcp://host:port/path, unix:///path/to/socket, fd://* or fd://socketfd.
         If the tcp port is not specified, then it will default to either 2375 when
         --tls is off, or 2376 when --tls is on, or --tlsverify is specified.

       -l, --log-level="debug|info|warn|error|fatal"
         Set the logging level. Default is info.

         Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify. Default is false.

       --tlscacert= /.docker/ca.pem
         Trust certs signed only by this CA.

       --tlscert= /.docker/cert.pem
         Path to TLS certificate file.

       --tlskey= /.docker/key.pem
         Path to TLS key file.

         Use TLS and verify the remote (daemon: verify client, client: verify daemon).
[root@localhost ~]#man dokcer-run
DOCKER(1)                                               JUNE 2014                                               DOCKER(1)

       docker-run - Run a command in a new container

       docker  run  [-a|--attach[=[]]]  [--add-host[=[]]]  [--blkio-weight[=[BLKIO-WEIGHT]]] [--blkio-weight-device[=[]]]
       [--cpu-shares[=0]]  [--cap-add[=[]]]   [--cap-drop[=[]]]   [--cgroup-parent[=CGROUP-PATH]]   [--cidfile[=CIDFILE]]
       [--cpu-period[=0]]  [--cpu-quota[=0]]  [--cpuset-cpus[=CPUSET-CPUS]]  [--cpuset-mems[=CPUSET-MEMS]]  [-d|--detach]
       [--detach-keys[=[]]] [--device[=[]]] [--device-read-bps[=[]]] [--device-read-iops[=[]]]  [--device-write-bps[=[]]]
       [--device-write-iops[=[]]] [--dns[=[]]] [--dns-opt[=[]]] [--dns-search[=[]]] [-e|--env[=[]]] [--entrypoint[=ENTRY‐
       POINT]] [--env-file[=[]]] [--expose[=[]]] [--group-add[=[]]]  [-h|--hostname[=HOSTNAME]]  [--help]  [-i|--interac‐
       tive]  [--ip[=IPv4-ADDRESS]]  [--ip6[=IPv6-ADDRESS]]  [--ipc[=IPC]] [--isolation[=default]] [--kernel-memory[=KER‐
       NEL-MEMORY]]  [-l|--label[=[]]]  [--label-file[=[]]]  [--link[=[]]]   [--link-local-ip[=[]]]   [--log-driver[=[]]]
       [--log-opt[=[]]]  [-m|--memory[=MEMORY]] [--mac-address[=MAC-ADDRESS]] [--memory-reservation[=MEMORY-RESERVATION]]
       [--memory-swap[=LIMIT]] [--memory-swappiness[=MEMORY-SWAPPINESS]] [--name[=NAME]]  [--network-alias[=[]]]  [--net‐
       work[="bridge"]] [--oom-kill-disable] [--oom-score-adj[=0]] [-P|--publish-all] [-p|--publish[=[]]] [--pid[=[PID]]]
       [--userns[=[]]] [--pids-limit[=PIDS_LIMIT]] [--privileged]  [--read-only]  [--restart[=RESTART]]  [--rm]  [--secu‐
       rity-opt[=[]]]     [--storage-opt[=[]]]     [--stop-signal[=SIGNAL]]     [--shm-size[=[]]]    [--sig-proxy[=true]]
       [--sysctl[=[]]] [-t|--tty] [--tmpfs[=[CONTAINER-DIR[:<OPTIONS>]]] [-u|--user[=USER]] [--ulimit[=[]]]  [--uts[=[]]]
       [-v|--volume[=[[HOST-DIR:]CONTAINER-DIR[:OPTIONS]]]]        [--volume-driver[=DRIVER]]       [--volumes-from[=[]]]
       [-w|--workdir[=WORKDIR]] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]

       Run a process in a new container. docker run starts a process with its own file system, its  own  networking,  and
       its  own isolated process tree. The IMAGE which starts the process may define defaults related to the process that
       will be run in the container, the networking to expose, and more, but docker run gives final control to the opera‐
       tor or administrator who starts the container from the image. For that reason docker run has more options than any
       other Docker command.

       If the IMAGE is not already loaded then docker run will pull the IMAGE,  and  all  image  dependencies,  from  the
       repository in the same way running docker pull IMAGE, before it starts the container from that image.

       -a, --attach=[]
          Attach to STDIN, STDOUT or STDERR.

       In  foreground  mode (the default when -d is not specified), docker run can start the process in the container and
       attach the console to the process's standard input, output, and standard error. It can even pretend to  be  a  TTY
       (this  is  what  most commandline executables expect) and pass along signals. The -a option can be set for each of
       stdin, stdout, and stderr.

          Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip)

       Add a line to /etc/hosts. The format is hostname:ip.  The --add-host option can be set multiple times.

          Block IO weight (relative weight) accepts a weight value between 10 and 1000.

          Block IO weight (relative device weight, format: DEVICE_NAME:WEIGHT).

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